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Stressed out and frustrated because your child isn't revising?

Stressed out and frustrated because your child isn't revising?


Article Date: 16 November 2017

Article Date: 16 November 2017

Are you stressed out and frustrated because your child isn't revising? One of the most common complaints I hear from parents is that no matter what they do (buy £££s of revision books, provide costly bribes, shout, argue and nag) their children just won't start their revision.

This leads to stressed out parents and miserable students. The trouble is, the reasons why your child isn't revising are rarely straight-forward and differ wildly from student to student. As I hear this complaint most often in a social media message and it's pretty difficult to answer it fully there I thought I'd do a blog post / podcast episode to answer it.  

* Read / listen now: 9 reasons why your child isn't revising and what to do about it*  

You can also listen to this episode in your podcast app. Just search for The School Success Formula, subscribe and listen. When you've finished listening / reading I'd Iove to hear your thoughts on which reason or reasons apply to your child and what you're going to do about it.You can do this:

How I can help with revision this week On Saturday I'm holding a revision workshop to help students with December mocks for their GCSEs. The purpose of the workshop is to:
  • Help your child prioritise what they need to revise so that revision is no longer so over-whelming
  • Help them to identify which revision techniques they need to use to learn effectively and efficiently
  • Give them ideas about how they can carry on with the revision habit once their mocks are over

* Click here to book for the revision workshop this Saturday, 18th November*  

If your child's mocks aren't until January I'm holding a separate workshop for them on 16th December.  You can book for that here.  Today is the last day for booking the December mocks workshop this Saturday. This is because there is some prep work that needs to be done beforehand and your child won't have time to do this if you don't sign them up today. I will close sign-ups at around 9pm this evening, 16 December 2017

Last chance to get on the waiting list! 

On Monday I'll be sending out an email to everyone on the waiting list for my online study skills course for parents and students,  The Exam Success Formula,  inviting them to sign-up for the next round which starts on 20th January. I can safely say that the course has been transformational for the families who have taken part in the first round of the course and I urge you to consider taking part. Everyone on the waiting list will get a week's headstart on signing up for the course. I'm also having a gift certificate designed so if you want to give it to your child as a Christmas present, you can! 

* Click here and you'll be automatically added to the waiting list*  

Thanks for reading!

Lucy Parsons

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