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School Life



School Life

The menu is displayed on the website and operates on a two week rota. 

Sandwiches may be brought in to be eaten only in the Food Hall or at the picnic tables provided.

There is a water station where refillable bottles can be refilled.

Students are expected to remain on the school premises throughout the lunch break unless they have lunch at home. Parents/carers should request a Lunch Pass Form to be completed and returned to the RSL for consideration. Passes will only be issued to students who are going home. We would ask parents/carers to support us in making sure that students are either in school or at home. During the lunch break there are senior midday supervisors (teachers) on duty.

Should your child leave his/her packed lunch (or any other item for school) at home, you may leave it at Reception for collection. If this is not possible, they should see their RSL.