- English and Media
- Mathematics
- Science
- Art, Design & Technology
- Creative Arts
- Humanities
- Social Sciences
- Modern Foreign Languages
- Business, Economics and Computing
- Personal Development Time
- Careers
- Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
- Course Guidance for Year 9 Parents and Carers 2025
- Homework Guidance
Media Studies allows students to examine the influence of the mass media upon themselves and different groups of people. Through examining how the media work they also learn how to create their own media texts and evaluate their success.
Students find the course interesting and stimulating as they learn to look at the world in a new way and realise how much they are manipulated by the media.
Through the studying the media students learn about the following media industries in our society: television; film and cinema; radio; popular music; newspapers; magazines and advertising. They also learn practical skills such as the effects of different camera shots; writing copy using appropriate media language; using ICT to design media texts; script-writing; using a camcorder and video-editing.
Students follow the Eduqas Media Studies specification at GCSE and A level which are designed to allow media students to draw on their existing experience of the media and to develop their abilities to respond critically to the media. They enable students to explore a wide variety of media, including digital media technologies, drawing on the fundamental concepts informing the study of the media: texts, industry and audiences. The specifications also encourage creative work to enable students to gain a greater appreciation of the media through their own production work and to develop their own production skills