- Bridge Academy Trust Policies
- Able and Talented Policy
- Accessibility Policy
- Admissions Policy
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour and Expectations Policy
- Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy
- Child Protection Policy
- Curriculum Policy
- Drugs and Alcohol Policy
- Lettings Fire Precautions & First Aid Provision
- Home School Agreement
- Mobile Phone Policy
- Prom Procedure
- Provider Access Policy
- Pupil Premium
- Relationship and Sex Education Policy
- School Closure - Remote Education Offer
- SEND Information Report
- Student Equality Statement
- Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy
- Transgender Student Inclusion Policy
- Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy
- Uniform Policy

School Uniform
The wearing of full school uniform is expected as an integral part of the school ethos which promotes positive attitudes, high standards and a sense of personal pride. In our view, for a school uniform to be successful it must be:-
- Uniform and not open to various interpretations
- Distinctive and smart
- Easily and readily available
- Reasonably priced
Students are expected to wear the correct school uniform as listed below.
Black blazer. School badge attached to the blazer (iron/stitch on year blazer badges – woven embroidered logo onto fabric backing in relevant year group colour – only available from our supplier, SWI).
Long sleeved ‘V’ neck black pullover (optional).
Skirt or Trousers
Blue knee-length Kelso tartan kilt – Royal Multi – only available from our supplier, SWI. Trousers should be plain black tailored trousers. The trousers must have a hem and not be frayed or have a wide or narrow bottom. Trousers should not be denim, cord, lycra material or hipster style and any zips should be discreet. The bottom of trousers should sit on the shoe and not cling to the leg.
White shirt with plain, undecorated collar. Not polo or lycra style.
Plain black leather or leather look shoes (not open-toe design, trainers, trainer-style shoes, pump or canvas shoes, no stilettos, mules or sling backs, a proper heel not greater than 4cm - no coloured laces or stitching). Trainers are only allowed if accompanied by a doctor’s note. Please note boots are not allowed.
Plain black socks or tights in black or natural/skin tone.
Tie with coloured House logo – only available from our supplier, SWI. The top button of the shirt must be fastened and the tie knot placed at the collar of the shirt. The school and House crests should sit just below the knot.
Only plain black belts are acceptable.
Protective Clothing
Craft apron and an old shirt for Art.
Outdoor Coats
Most forms of sensible outdoor coats (preferably dark in colour and waterproof) are acceptable. Casual leisure wear is not regarded as suitable for school. Sweatshirts or hoodies of any description are not coats and are not acceptable.
One wrist watch is acceptable. Students with pierced ears will be allowed to wear two plain gold/silver small studs or small sleepers, one in the lobe of each ear. Diamanté, crystals, gemstones or other decorative styles are not acceptable. Plain gold or silver sleepers must be small enough to not allow a 5p piece to pass through them (a maximum of one per ear). The stud/sleeper is to be placed in the earlobe. Nose studs, other jewellery, piercings and badges are not allowed. Items that are not acceptable will be confiscated until the end of the half term when they can be collected from Student Services.
Students with long hair must fasten it back in laboratories and practical rooms and for PE. Extreme hairstyles will not be tolerated (no hair shorter than number 2, no shapes cut into hair, no unnatural colours or unnatural combinations). The school subscribes to The Halo Code.
The school reserves the right to make the final decision on what constitutes an extreme hairstyle.
Students are not permitted to wear make-up in Years 7, 8 and 9. Discreet make-up is permitted in Years 10 and 11. Nail varnish or false nails are not allowed.
Compulsory Kit |
Optional PE Kit Extras |
Red Aptus polo shirt |
Black/Silver Aptus training pants |
Black Milan Shorts |
Black Amazon rain jacket |
Black Coolmax Socks |
Black thermal base layer |
Black/Red Aptus ¼ zip training top or Black/Red Aptus full zip training Top |
Gum Shield: We recommend a gum shield fitted by a dentist. Leggings are permitted providing that they are thick and plain black. Small logos are acceptable (no bigger than a £2 coin). |
All uniform, including PE kit, can be acquired via Schoolwear International’s website www.swischoolwear.co.uk
PE Information
Students have one indoor and one outdoor lesson per week. Students will go outside for their outdoor lessons – wind, rain or shine - and should dress accordingly. Students are encouraged to wear warm clothing under their PE kit. Long sleeve t-shirts are acceptable, providing the top layer is the Notley PE kit. If a student wears a ‘base layer’ with their short sleeve t-shirt it must be the same colour as their polo-shirt.
Tights are not permitted for PE lessons, but students can wear plain black tracksuit trousers.
When the weather is particularly cold and wet, students are encouraged to bring a towel and a change of underwear as it is likely the lesson will be outside. Students should always prepare for their lesson to be outside.
Students must have appropriate trainers, meaning no Converse or canvas trainers are worn by any students for any PE lessons. When students are outside on the field, they are encouraged to wear football boots or boots with studs. Jewellery is not permitted during any PE lesson for health and safety reasons, and we take this guidance from all national governing bodies. Students will be asked to remove any earrings and jewellery that they may be wearing. For this reason, we advise that any ear piercings take place at the start of the school holidays so as earrings can be removed during PE lessons.
Although the changing rooms are locked during PE lessons the school cannot guarantee the safety and security of valuables so students are advised not to bring anything of value into school on the days they have PE.
Uniform Exchange
The school encourages parents/carers to donate good quality secondhand uniform to the school. All enquiries should be made by contacting Student Services on 01376 556300.