- Art and Design
- Business
- Careers
- Catering
- Child Development
- Computing
- Construction
- Criminology
- Drama
- Economics
- English
- Exams
- Flexible Learning Provision
- Food & Textiles
- French
- Further Maths
- Geography
- Health & Social Care
- History
- Law
- Library
- Maths
- Media Studies
- Modern Languages
- Music
- Pastoral Support
- Personal Development Time (PDT)
- Philosophy Ethics & Religion
- Physical Education
- Politics
- Product Design
- Psychology
- Science
- Senior Management
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Technology
- Administration
- Attendance
- Catering
- Cover Management
- Curriculum Technician / Assistant
- Examinations
- First Aider
- Head of Faculty
- IT / Network Management
- Learning Mentor
- Librarian
- Media Support
- Medical Administrator
- Pastoral Support
- Premises Team
- Primary Liaison
- RAPL / Excellence Leads
- Raising Standards Leader
- Receptionist
- School Based Counsellor
- Senior Management
- Sixth Form Leadership
- Subject Leader