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School Life

Medical Administrator
Medical Administrator

School Life

Mrs J Simpson, Medical AdministratorWith nearly 1500 students and 250 members of staff, it is inevitable that at some time whilst in school students may feel ill or be injured whilst participating in practical activities, although we do everything we can to try to prevent this happening. We have several members of staff who are trained in first aid, along with Mrs Simpson who is the main point of contact for anyone ill, injured, or needing medication. We support students with long term medical conditions, as well as temporary illnesses and issues.

Please DO NOT send your child in to school if they have vomited in the previous 24 hours, unless you know it is a result of a medical condition or medication, and they are not contagious. If you are sending your child in to school on crutches, or with a sling or brace please supply in writing the following details:

  • the nature of the injury;
  • if medical advice has been sought (doctor, hospital or specialist) and what advice was given;
  • how long they will need support for, and any other information that will enable us to look after them whilst here.

To enable us to care for your children appropriately, please see the following guidelines:

  • Keep the school informed of any medical conditions that affect your child whilst at school;
  • Written instructions signed by parent/carer are required before a student can be given medication at school (oral consent is not sufficient). This must include: who the medication is for, what it is for, what dose needs to be taken and when, along with any other relevant instructions or information;
  • All medication must be in its original packaging including the instruction leaflet;
  • Prescription medication must be supplied in the original box with the pharmacy label attached and unaltered, and with the information leaflet;
  • Medication can only be taken as instructed by the manufacturer or prescriber;
  • Ensure that any medication held in school is in date;
  • If medication is to be taken 3 times a day, unless otherwise prescribed it should be taken before school, after school and at bedtime, so does not need to be administered during the school day;
  • If medication is to be taken 4 times a day, unless otherwise prescribed it should be taken as above, with one dose taken at school.
Students in Years 7 - 11 must not carry any medication except asthma inhalers and adrenaline auto injectors. All other medication must be handed in to the medical room at the start of each day. If you wish your child to carry other medication with them, please contact Mrs Simpson to discuss this.

Thank you for your co-operation. Please understand the school has the right to refuse to administer medication in certain circumstances.

A copy of our Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy can be found here:

If you wish to know more about the vaccinations your child will receive during their time with us, please see or contact the immunisation team on 01371 877417.
Please feel free to contact Mrs Simpson if you have any queries relating to medical issues..

Full details can be found in the Handbook for Parents and Carers.

Please feel free to contact Mrs Simpson if you have any queries relating to medical issues.

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