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Able and Talented Policy
Able and Talented Policy


Able and Talented Policy

Able pupils

‘Able pupils’ refers to pupils who achieve, or have the ability to achieve, above average (compared with the attainment of other pupils in their year group at Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form) in one or more of the National Curriculum subjects

Talented pupils

Talented refers to those pupils who achieve, or have the ability to achieve, significantly above average in art, performing arts, physical education or in areas requiring visio-spatial skills or practical abilities (these could include a range of non-traditional areas) compared with the attainment of other pupils in their year group at Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form.

According to Renzulli (1986) giftedness not only involves above average ability but also involves task commitment and creativity. Task commitment and creativity have been included for the following reasons:

  • To let pupils know that there is more to being on the Able and Talented register than high achievement in test scores. Commitment and application of ability is also required.
  • To help curriculum areas to identify those pupils who have the potential to be highly productive and not just the pupils who come in with high target grades.
  • To raise awareness of the fact that provision for the Able and Talented also needs to encourage task commitment and creativity.

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