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Careers Education at Notley High School

Careers Education at Notley High School


Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) is a very important part of the curriculum for our students. CEIAG is an integral part of the way we support students to make positive life choices and develop their aspirations.

Students, therefore, access CEIAG throughout their time at Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form so they begin to understand the world of work and its changing career opportunities, and to see the relevance of school to their future lives.

Students will have the opportunity to have at least one dedicated meeting with an independent and Impartial careers adviser. Meetings can be arranged primarily through tutors or Raising Standards Leaders. Parents/carers are welcome to attend these meetings. Following a meeting, students will receive a copy of the notes made, including an action plan and details of where further information can be found.

The adviser also attends events such as the school’s parents’/carers’ information evenings, KS4 Courses Evening, Open Evening for Year 12 intake and GCSE Results Day, enabling parents/carers to access information. Careers education, information and guidance is provided through our PDT curriculum, excursions and visits, and additional support from advisers and tutors.

The school also organises external agencies and speakers to deliver assemblies and give advice where relevant.

Year 7

During Year 7, students begin to discuss their hopes and dreams for the future, focusing on how their current likes and dislikes could lead into a future job pathway.

Students begin to challenge stereotypical thinking towards career choices, enabling them to make informed choices from the very beginning of their careers education.

Students will also be given a username and password for Unifrog ( allowing them access to up-to-date, impartial careers information, based on interests and aspirations. Unifrog brings together all the available information into one single, impartial, user-friendly platform.  Students will also be taught how to access labour market information (LMI) and why this is relevant.

Year 8

During Year 8, students look at employability skills, qualities and values; they identify the key skills needed in different career paths, while also focusing on their own personal skills and attributes. An emphasis is placed on the importance of communication skills.

Students also take part in a ‘Dragons’ Den’ Enterprise Challenge; a seven week project in which they work in groups to create a business. During this project, students will design a product, build a prototype and create an advertisement; concluding with a short presentation to promote their inventions. This project is designed to encourage teamwork and communication skills, and to develop resilience.

Students will continue to use Unifrog and access labour market information (LMI).

Year 9

During this year, students choose their GCSE options. During lesson time, teachers inform students of the subjects on offer, and what they will cover. There is also an options assembly for Year 9 students, as well as a KS4 Courses Evening for students and parents/carers to find out more about each GCSE option, speaking directly to teaching staff and current students.  The school’s independent careers adviser will also be in attendance at the KS4 Courses Evening, offering advice and support to both students and parents/carers.

During PDT lessons, students will develop their understanding of careers and links with their future aspirations.  They will consider the skills employers look for when recruiting and recognise their own skills and values.  They will also learn about the legal limits and rights at work.

Students will continue to use Unifrog allowing them access to up-to-date, impartial careers information, based on interests and aspirations and access labour market information (LMI).

Year 10

As Year 10 students begin their GSCE options, they will spend some time considering how these will guide them towards their future career choices. Students will update their Unifrog profile, allowing them access to personalised advice and access labour market information (LMI).

All students will prepare themselves for the world of work through creating a CV, personal statement and a letter of application and knowing the features of successful applications. This allows students to recognise their current achievements, as well as identify any gaps in their current skills and attributes.  Following this, all Year 10 students will take part in a mock interview.

Students will also learn about rights and responsibilities in the workplace, employment laws and protection against discrimination.

Year 11

In Year 11, students begin to prepare for their onward education.  During PDT lessons, students will be given information on possible steps they can take as they move into the next stage of education or training.  Students will be taken through the application processes for sixth forms, further education college, apprenticeships and traineeships.  Students will also examine and practise interview techniques which will prepare them when applying for both further education and employment. Students are encouraged to attend taster days and open evenings of providers.

Students will also ensure they are ready for the world of work by updating their CV, personal statement and letter of application; these form part of their Record of Achievement at the end of the year.

As part of our evaluation process to measure the success of our careers programme, the school tracks the destinations of students following Year 11. During KS4, all students complete the intended destinations form, and applications to sixth forms, further education college, apprenticeships and traineeships are monitored.

Year 12 and 13 

Throughout students’ careers in the sixth form, there is a programme of guidance and information to support students in considering their future choices and pathways. While a significant majority of students apply to university and enter Higher Education, independent advice and guidance is available to students throughout their time in the sixth form, with support for university applications as well as for those seeking routes into apprenticeships, training or employment after completing their studies at this level.

The personal development programme and pastoral systems in the sixth form give guidance and support on the options available as well as the opportunity to develop key employability skills.

Examples of these include, but are not limited to, the Year 12 enterprise project, student life and ‘the leap’ introduction to the university experience, introduction to student finance, Higher Education fair visit, interview techniques and mock employer/university interviews, support for competitive applications and support with personal statement writing. Talks and workshops from universities and apprenticeship providers take place throughout Year 12 and the first two terms of Year 13, and students are encouraged to take part in university open days and apprenticeship fairs. Parent/carers are invited to an evening each year about Higher Education applications and other careers and employment routes.

Click here for help with choosing a degree.

Careers policy review date - May 2026

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