- English and Media
- Mathematics
- Science
- Art, Design & Technology
- Creative Arts
- Humanities
- Social Sciences
- Modern Foreign Languages
- Business, Economics and Computing
- Personal Development Time
- Careers
- Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
- Course Guidance for Year 9 Parents and Carers 2025
- Homework Guidance
Students with a particular interest in mathematics can choose to take a second A Level in Maths called Further Maths, with some choosing this as a fourth A Level. Further Mathematicians, as well as learning additional compulsory topics in pure maths such as complex numbers and proof by induction get a choice of studying further statistics, mechanics or decision maths. Many topics will require students to apply their knowledge to solving real world problems such modelling the motion of a diving board as a second order differential equation.
Students who do not need a full A Level in Further Maths but are interested in going beyond A Level Maths can follow the course for the first year in order to obtain an AS qualification in the subject.