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Governor Link Areas and Staff 2024-25
Governor Link Areas and Staff 2024-25




Staff link

Areas of focus

CPD, training + Development

Ken Yap

Rebecca Ketley

Staff and Governor CPD.

Mapping against SDP priorities and needs.

Evaluating effectiveness/impact.

(Cross over with staff wellbeing/voice role)


Matt Ager

Mel Townsend

To review SCR and monitor all areas of safeguarding, from processes, to practice. Look at effectiveness of approaches (impact). Include safeguarding in the curriculum. Undertake student voice where possible.

Broadly consider school culture in relation to safeguarding (cross over with PDT, attendance and student/staff voice/wellbeing and parent engagement roles)


Chris Ingate

Rebecca Ketley

SEND (all, including monitoring students).

Progress, provision including strategies. Impact of these.

Feedback from parent/student voice.

Observation in classroom of SEND provision.

Pick up attendance and suspension data/strategies for SEND briefly in visit.

(cross over with attendance role and student/staff voice/wellbeing and parent engagement)


Abbey Hartshorne-Abbott

Rebecca Ketley/
Ben Clarke

Review PPG/LAC numbers and spending. Look for impact of strategies/interventions.

Attendance, suspensions and attainment for PPG/LAC.

(Cross over with attendance role)

Careers and PDT

Dan Hodgson (Matt Ager to mentor/support)

Michelle Robb

(AHTs - Neal Wilcox – careers; Becky Ketley PDT)

Provision in PDT. Cross checking against SDP priorities/culture aspirations. Including EDI.

Progress against Gatsby benchmarks.

Impact on career/progression aspirations.

Review of impact of approaches and strategies in all of the above.

(cross over with student voice role)

EDI (new role)

On hold


Policy/Practice compliance. EDI priorities in SDP.

Implementation of EDI within school, including impact on culture (eg info on EDI from surveys, voice, events/groups, PDT curriculum etc).

Review of impact/next steps.

Stakeholder Engagement (new role)

Nichola Goodwin (parent and student)

Abbey (staff – see below)

Mark Barrow

Review stakeholder surveys.

Lead Parent Forums (new - ?in new year).

Undertake student voice forums/groups. (Cross over with student voice opportunities in sixth form, safeguarding, PPG/SEND roles).

Staff wellbeing

Abbey Hartshorne-Abbott (ties in with above)

Mark Barrow

Review staff survey.

Staff voice forum.

Term 1 to be combined with stakeholder engagement role.

Attendance (new role)

Jacky Foster (Abbey Hartshorne-Abbott to mentor/support)

Kerrie Wilmore/
Mel Townsend

Review in depth attendance data termly.

Check compliance with reporting.

Review impact of strategies and approaches.

Review the safeguarding response to PA, repeat absence and prolonged absence.

Look at data for SEND, PPG/LAC students.

Include sixth form.

(Cross over with safeguarding, PPG/LAC, SEND roles)

Key Curriculum areas (maths and science)

Claire Hooks


To develop depending on area.

Curriculum intent and delivery. Interventions/strategies.

Staffing. Evaluation of progress and impact.

Sixth Form

Claire Hooks

Siobhan Howells/
Alex Brewis Shepherd

Look at sixth form vision and values. Curriculum offer and delivery. Extracurricular offer. Careers/PDT. Attainment/progress. Student voice.