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Level 3 Criminology

Level 3 Criminology


The purpose of the WJEC Level 3 Applied Certificate in Criminology is to provide students with an introduction to criminal justice through a scientific study of criminal behaviour and to give a context for humanities learning. It is a qualification with elements of psychology, law and sociology that complements studies in humanities. It has been designed to offer exciting and interesting experiences that focus learning for students through applied learning, i.e. through the acquisition of knowledge and understanding in purposeful contexts linked to the criminal justice system. An understanding of criminology is relevant to many job roles within the criminal justice sector, social and probation work and sociology and psychology. This insight will enable students to make informed decisions about potential future career routes. It also helps students to understand the criminal justice system which impacts on their own behaviour and conduct in UK society. It requires students to consider how the use and application of their learning impacts on themselves, other individuals, employers, society, and the environment. Ultimately students will develop a critical and focused criminological mind. The staff’s commitment and enthusiasm for the subject ensures that high standards are set which fuel students’ aspirations through their own conduct; support of the Notley High School values, and the expectations for all students.