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Drugs and Alcohol Policy
Drugs and Alcohol Policy

Policy Statement

We will not tolerate the misuse of drugs within the school and its grounds nor by students either representing the school out of school hours or on any school organised trips or visits.

This applies also to any adult or persons who may come onto the school site and may be intoxicated and/or in possession of illegal drugs. Our school is a no-smoking area and we request that all members of the community and visitors refrain from smoking or vaping on or around the premises.

We recognise that some of our students and parents need a variety of medicines and appropriate arrangements are made to enable the correct distribution of these. The Drugs and Alcohol Policy forms part of our overall approach to health and well-being. Through our Personal Development curriculum and through our school ethos, we aim to ensure that students recognise the importance of what they eat and drink and the effect that this can have.

Self-respect and a healthy lifestyle are all part of an approach which will enable our students to make the right choices for themselves and their families now and in the future. It is important to note that the school sees inappropriate drug use by students as something to be challenged and changes in behaviour sought through support and counselling wherever possible. It is likely however, that any student found to have been distributing illegal drugs, whether or not in return for payment, will be excluded from school and the police contacted.

Definition of “Drugs” for the benefit of this policy

The term “drugs” refers to:

  • All illegal drugs.
  • All legal drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes and electronic smoking devices, volatile substances (solvents) and novel psychoactive substances (‘legal highs’)
  • All over the counter and prescription medicines.
  • Any other drugs such as anabolic steroids

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