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Teaching and Learning

Homework Guidance

Homework Guidance

Teaching and Learning

At Notley High School, KS3 students can expect to get one piece of homework a week from now on from English, Maths, History, Geography, MFL and Science.  Each piece should take approximately 30 minutes in Years 7 and 8 and 40 minutes in Year 9.  Homework will concentrate on consolidation, recall and revision as well as practising key skills. 

At KS4, students should expect one piece of homework a week from each of their subjects, which should take them a minimum of 45 minutes for them to complete. 

Key Stage 5 students are expected to complete around 4 hours of work for each subject each week. This is a combination of homework and independent study.  

Individual subjects decide on the nature of homework set but will focus on recall, learning and knowledge retrieval where possible. 

Feedback on homework can be done via self and peer assessment, computer-based assessment that teachers monitor or discussions in class or teacher assessment. For certain tasks such as flipped learning and revision, the homework itself may not be explicitly fed back on, but the work it leads to should be.   

Satchel One will be used to set all homework throughout the school and sixth form. Teams may be used as a workspace for students, but all homework will be signposted on Satchel One to allow students and parents to keep track of work that is due and plan accordingly.    

During exam periods, there will also be extra homework to complete in the way of revision, which allows students to independently go over topics from any point in their studies.