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  • Drama


The Drama Department aims to provide a dynamic, creative and inclusive curriculum experience for students within a safe and productive learning environment where students can expect to be encouraged and challenged.

Whilst we develop performance skills we believe in the holistic development of each child and have identified 5 key skills in which our curriculum is based around. These are:

  • Creativity
  • Communication
  • Empathy
  • Independence
  • Confidence

Over the course of a topic the progress of our students is monitored and informally assessed in each lesson, with an emphasis put on the effort of each child. Learning Behaviour grades are then recorded as part of the school’s progress check reporting system. At the end of each academic year the department evaluates the work covered to make sure that the curriculum is kept fresh and relevant.

There are a rich and varied number of activities for students to get involved in with drama clubs offered for all the Key Stages. It is essential that drama students see live theatre so we organise a variety of trips as well as regularly sharing work within the department.