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  • Special Educational Needs Overview

    Special Educational Needs Overview

Mr Peter Haddon, SENCO

Mr P Haddon, SENCO


Many students will experience difficulties with learning during their school career. A small number of these students will have an EHC Plan. The school aims to provide access to the whole curriculum for all students, with specialist staff wherever possible.

Learning Support at Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form makes it possible for every student to participate in school life and achieve the best academic and personal outcomes. Students’ individual learning requirements are identified as early as possible through discussions with primary schools, parents/ carers and students, as well as initial formal and informal assessments. We can then plan for appropriate learning opportunities for all students in line with their needs. Our work is always outcomes driven and needs led. All students will have access to high quality teaching. Some students will receive in-class support to access the curriculum. Other students might receive additional intervention according to their need e.g. literacy, numeracy, study-skills. Each term, students’ progress is assessed, and their support is reviewed by staff, parents/carers and the students themselves.

What our students say:

All the staff are very supportive and helpful.

Since I moved here, I have not had an outburst.

Going at lunch, break and lessons has helped me with my anxiety.


  • To allow all students to develop to their full potential both academically and personally;
  • Students with SEND have access to high quality and appropriate education in which they engage fully, in order to achieve at the highest possible level;
  • Students with SEND participate fully in the life of the school including extra-curricular opportunities and social activities;
  • All staff are made aware of and understand the content and aims of this policy as part of the whole school approach;
  • Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined so that the policy’s objectives can be met

To download a full copy of the SEND Information report click the link below

Curriculum Overview & Exam Information