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School Life

Pastoral Support
Pastoral Support

School Life

Tutoring system and Tutor groups

At Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form we place great emphasis on the quality of pastoral care given to our students and maintain very close transition links with our partner primary schools.

The Raising Standards Leader for your child’s Year Group, and your child’s tutor will oversee your child in school and their progress during their time at Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form. We operate a year-based structure, comprised of between 8 and 9 tutor groups. In addition, each student will be a member of one of our five school Houses: Cavell, Franklin, Parks, Turing and Winton. Students are normally in the same House as their older siblings. 

The tutor group will participate in a year group assembly each week and a range of tutor group activities during the remainder of the week. The tutor is a key member of staff whom you should get to know. Tutors will carefully monitor your child’s development, offering guidance and support when necessary. It is to the tutor that you should communicate with in the first instance if you need to contact the school regarding your child. The Raising Standards Leader will not necessarily be involved in routine matters but will be kept informed.

Apart from the normal range of lessons, there will be an array of extra-curricular activities of a sporting, social and fundraising nature and a range of inter-House competitions throughout the year.

We would hope to see as many students involved in activities as possible and if there is not a club to meet a specific interest, then support can be given to get one started. Tutors play a vital role in ensuring that we know each child as an individual and are able to encourage each of them to succeed. Parents/carers receive regular feedback in the form of reports, parents’/carers’ consultation evening and reports throughout the academic year.

If you have any concerns about your child, the following procedure is in place:

Contact 1: Tutor (click here to see full list)
Contact 2: Pastoral Managers (see below)
Contact 3: Raising Standards Leader (see below)

Pastoral Support

Raising Standards Leaders