- English and Media
- Mathematics
- Science
- Art, Design & Technology
- Creative Arts
- Humanities
- Social Sciences
- Modern Foreign Languages
- Business, Economics and Computing
- Personal Development Time
- Careers
- Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
- Course Guidance for Year 9 Parents and Carers 2025
- Homework Guidance
Face challenges, build resilience and achieve mastery
Creating critical thinkers, speakers, readers and writers through living language environments which allow students to face challenges, build resilience and achieve mastery.
In English, our main aim is to enable students to read, write, speak and listen effectively, gaining understanding of and control over language. We want our students to enjoy reading, to be confident and creative writers and to be able to express themselves orally.
The English Department has many initiatives to encourage students to develop these important skills. These include:
- Poetry reading for the School Christmas Concert
- Spelling Bee competition
- Bedrock Learning
- Public speaking Competitions
- Theatre trips
- GCSE revision sessions
- Power breakfasts - revision sessions for selected students preceding their final GCSE examinations
- Small reading groups to help improve fluency in year 7 and 8