- Bridge Academy Trust Policies
- Able and Talented Policy
- Accessibility Policy
- Admissions Policy
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour and Expectations Policy
- Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy
- Child Protection Policy
- Curriculum Policy
- Drugs and Alcohol Policy
- Lettings Fire Precautions & First Aid Provision
- Home School Agreement
- Mobile Phone Policy
- Prom Procedure
- Provider Access Policy
- Pupil Premium
- Relationship and Sex Education Policy
- School Closure - Remote Education Offer
- SEND Information Report
- Student Equality Statement
- Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy
- Transgender Student Inclusion Policy
- Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy
- Uniform Policy
Behaviour and attendance criteria
Please be aware that attendance at our prom is still subject to each student’s behaviour, punctuality, and attendance at school. Of course, we want everyone to be able to attend, however we will not risk anyone spoiling the evening for others or bringing the school into disrepute, so should any students’ behaviour call our trust into question, we will withdraw the privilege of attending their Prom.
In the first instance any student who has an attendance below 90%, a school suspension, no engagement in revision opportunities and over 3 behaviour incidents or breaches of the school's behaviour policy between the date of this letter and the start of May half term will not be able to attend. In addition, the school reserves the right to apply discretion to individual cases.