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School Life

Severe Weather Procedures

Severe Weather Procedures

School Life

If it is deemed that there is severe weather, the following severe weather procedures will apply. 

 To keep up-to-date with the latest announcements staff, parents/carers and students should check:  

  • Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form website 
  • Braintree Sixth Form website 
  • Text messages from the school 
  • Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form on Facebook and Twitter 
  • Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form email accounts (staff and students) 
  • Parents/carers should talk to their transport providers directly about whether they will be running a service.   

Students who walk to school or travel to school by car should aim to arrive by 10am.  

Students who arrive before 10am should go straight to: 


Year 7


Year 8


Year 9

Food Hall

Year 10


Year 11

Café6/Common Room/BSF Library

Years 12 and 13

 Any public examinations will start at 9.30am (instead of 9am). Afternoon examinations will run at their published times.

Staff should arrive from the normal time if it is safe to do so, and will supervise any students who arrive before 10am in the tutor base areas or as directed by senior staff. Braintree Sixth Form students will be supervised by the sixth form senior staff – all other staff should supervise students in the main building.

To maintain student safety, we will be insisting that students remain inside the building throughout the day, with the only times where they will need to go outside the building being when they move to areas at lesson changeover.

As ever a decision about sending students to school in difficult weather conditions must be made by each individual family, as local conditions can vary considerably. Students should think carefully about their footwear to and from school and wear the most appropriate footwear they have to help them manage on paths local to the school. Students should then change into their normal school footwear on arrival. Students should also ensure that they are warm, wearing an appropriate coat, hat and gloves on the journey to school.

All staff must sign in at the Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form Campus Reception on arrival or at Student Services in the main building. Partnership staff from other schools should also sign in at the Campus Reception on arrival. Please do not telephone the Campus Reception or Student Services to do this.

Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form will finish at the normal time – 3.15pm. There will be no after school lessons/clubs/detentions/meetings or late transport for students in Years 7 - 11 unless the weather has improved considerably during the day. We will communicate our position clearly on the school website.

In the event of worsening weather conditions during the school day necessitating closure, we will give as much notice as possible and communicate this decision by the modes of communication listed above. Any students in Years 7 - 11 that have problems getting home should go to their tutor rooms. Any Braintree Sixth Form students that have problems getting home should report to Café 6. The senior leadership team will work together to ensure that these students get home safely. We will not allow students to leave the site unless we are confident that parents/carers are aware and approve of arrangements.

Staff must sign out on departure or at Student Services in the main building.

Further information: School Closure

The decision to close Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form rests with the Headteacher and the senior leadership team. The school will only be closed as a last resort e.g. travelling becoming hazardous, or if the site is not safe for students and staff.

If the school is closed, public examinations will still take place for students that are able to travel to Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form. Morning examinations will start at 9.30am (instead of 9am) and afternoon examinations will run at their published times. Any exceptions to this would be clearly communicated via the Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form websites.

Any internal examinations will be re-scheduled for when school is open again.

Once a decision has been made to re-open after a closure period due to severe weather, this information will be given using the communication methods listed above.

January 2024