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School Life

Speech & Language Centre - Introduction

Speech & Language Centre - Introduction

School Life

Speech & Language Enhanced Provision

The Speech and Language Enhanced Provision is part of the Learning Support provision of the school. It is a specialist provision set up to meet the needs of students who have the ability to cope with a mainstream secondary curriculum but who have a specific, significant speech and/or language difficulties.

We Offer:

  • County provision for children with a specific Speech and Language Difficulties.
  • 20 places for secondary school children.
  • Specialist assessment and teaching by teacher and speech and language therapist.
  • Varying levels of classroom support. Some subjects require more support than others.
  • Withdrawal for individual and group work.

Students' Difficulties May Include:

  • Remembering what has just been said following instructions.
  • Being easily confused by words with similar meanings or sounds.
  • Slow to respond to language.
  • Being poor at acquiring and retaining vocabulary.
  • Organising what they want to say and finding the right words.
  • Conversation which may be either stilted or rambling.
  • Selecting the correct sounds and putting them in the correct order when speaking.
  • Other, associated literacy difficulties.

How Our Students Describe Their Difficulties:

  • "It's really hard because you know the word and cannot get it out".
  • "It's like a storm in my head".
  • "I sometimes don't know what they are trying to say".
  • "My ears have radar to somebody else".

Students in the provision benefit from the academic and social opportunities that a mainstream school can offer, whilst also having the intensive support and help they need.

All students belong to a tutor group in the main school and we encourage them to identify and take part with this group.

It is our aim to provide a supportive environment, where all students will take part in all the challenges and experiences of a mainstream school.

How Do Students Gain a Place?

Students need to have received an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) where the primary need is a speech and language difficulty.

It is important that serious consideration be given by Year 5 if the assessment procedure is to be completed in time. An up to date report from a Speech & Language Therapist is also very useful.

Admissions are the responsibility of the Local Authority.