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Behaviour and Expectations Policy
Behaviour and Expectations Policy

The main purpose of the Behaviour Policy is to ensure that all students are safe and that the School creates a culture where everyone is supported to have positive behaviour. All students should be able to learn in environments that are calm, safe and supportive and are free from disruption. Excellent behaviours will be achieved through a positive and consistent school culture, underpinned by:

Enjoy, Enrich, Achieve, Aspire.

The ‘HEART’ of Notley

Our approach to creating high standards of behaviour in lessons is known as the ‘HEART’ of Notley which is our positive tool to help develop ‘Behaviour for Learning' and character in each and every young person.

It is made clear to students that their behaviour should not negatively impact on the learning of others, and that if it does, ‘HEART’ positive behaviours are not being demonstrated. 

Students who behave in a manner that disturbs learning and do not show respect for it are issued a clear warning.  This makes it clear to the student that their behaviour must improve.  If learning continues to be disturbed by the same student, they are removed to work in an alternative teaching room and issued a sanction.

We also recognise the importance of rewarding learners for positive behaviour and outcomes.  

The rewards we use include:  HEART achievement points, issuing of certificates and postcards, praise ‘phone calls home and celebration events such as assemblies.

To download a full copy of the policy click the link below.

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