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Teaching and Learning

Years 7 - 11 Target Setting and Reporting Guide for Parents/Carers
Years 7 - 11 Target Setting and Reporting Guide for Parents/Carers

Teaching and Learning

Setting Targets

At Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form, students are set GCSE targets based on Fischer Family Trust (FFT) estimates. FFT is a non-profit organisation commissioned by the Department for Education that estimates potential individual performance based on how students of similar ability on entry (at the end of Key Stage 2) perform nationally.

FFT provide estimates with varying degrees of challenge and we use FFT 20 as the basis of our Key Stage 4 targets based on the progress seen in the top 20% of schools. 

Flight Paths

Using the information provided by FFT, we allocate a ‘Flight Path’ for each student.

We then monitor their progress along this flight path, which helps us to track our students to ensure that they continue to make the necessary progress towards outstanding individual outcomes
