- Bridge Academy Trust Policies
- Able and Talented Policy
- Accessibility Policy
- Admissions Policy
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour and Expectations Policy
- Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy
- Child Protection Policy
- Curriculum Policy
- Drugs and Alcohol Policy
- Lettings Fire Precautions & First Aid Provision
- Home School Agreement
- Mobile Phone Policy
- Prom Procedure
- Provider Access Policy
- Pupil Premium
- Relationship and Sex Education Policy
- School Closure - Remote Education Offer
- SEND Information Report
- Student Equality Statement
- Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy
- Transgender Student Inclusion Policy
- Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy
- Uniform Policy
Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form will prepare its students to lead a fulfilling life by:
- building resilience;
- developing aspirations;
- nurturing talents;
- promoting positive life choices;
- and stimulating curiosity about the world around them.
Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum is broad, balanced and inclusive:
- supporting the development of knowledge to ensure that all students achieve their personal best:
- excellent progress is made regardless of starting points or barriers to learning;
- content is systematically revisited and builds on prior knowledge;
- higher order thinking and challenge characterises learning experiences.
- providing the skills to apply and transfer knowledge to different contexts:
- reading, vocabulary acquisition & cultural capital underpin subject specific content;
- metacognition, resilience and independence deepen knowledge acquisition.
- preparing students for the next stages in their development:
- extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities extend personal development;
- the curriculum represents and responds to the local context.
Curriculum Implementation
Through Personal Development
- Resilience
- ATL reports
- Academic Mentoring
- PDT lessons and SMSC opportunities
- Careers opportunities
Through Enrichment
- Pledge Passport
- KS5 Enrichment
- Clubs & sporting events
- House competitions & activities
Through Teaching, Learning & Assessment:
- Reviewing material: daily, weekly & monthly review;
- Questioning: ask questions & check student understanding;
- Sequencing concepts and modelling: new material in small steps, provide models, scaffold for difficult tasks;
- Stages of practice: guiding student practice, obtain high success rate, independent practice.
Curriculum Impact
The impact of the school’s curriculum is measured through:
- Outcomes at GSCE & A Level
- High levels of engagement measured in Attitude to Learning (ATL) grades
- Participation in enrichment and extra-curricular activities as captured in Pledge Passport
- Destinations Data
- Attendance data & Behaviour Logs
- Progress towards Gatsby Benchmarks