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Edexcel GCSE Business 9 - 1 is offered at KS4. There are 2 written papers, each worth 50% of the final grade.
They include a range of questions including multiple choice, short answers and context based questions.
Theme 1 concentrates on the key business concepts, issues and skills involved in starting and running a small business. It provides a framework for students to explore core concepts through the lens of an entrepreneur setting up a business.
Theme 2 examines how a business develops beyond the start-up phase. It focuses on the key business concepts, issues and decisions used to grow a business, with emphasis on aspects of marketing, operations, finance and human resources. It also considers the impact of the wider world on the decisions a business makes as it grows.Through studying this qualification students will:
- apply knowledge and understanding to different business contexts. These include businesses ranging from small enterprises to large multinationals and businesses operating in local, national and global contexts;
- develop an understanding of how these contexts impact on business behaviour;
- use business terminology to identify and explain business activity;
- apply business concepts to familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
Students study a variety of business concepts and are encouraged to relate these to current events. Students are encouraged to be independent thinkers.