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Public Punctuation Booklets
Public Punctuation Booklets


Article Date: 17 March 2011

Article Date: 17 March 2011

All key stage three pupils are completing literacy skills booklets as part of the Public Punctuation programme during RAFT. Each week, students from years seven, eight and nine will complete an activity sheet on a different punctuation point or other area of literacy for the next six weeks. Each week’s focus is listed below:


  • Week one – spelling
  • Week two – vocabulary
  • Week three – commas
  • Week four – apostrophes
  • Week five – capital letters
  • Week six – paragraphing
The intention is that KS3 students’ literacy skills will develop and that students will understand that spelling, punctuation and grammar skills can be practised outside of the English classroom. If you are a year seven, eight or nine student, try to remember to use these skills in all of your subjects. Although it’s not for a few years yet, you will need to use your knowledge of literacy to help you when you leave school to pursue a career or take a further education course.

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