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  • Chenise Smith - Jack Petchey Winner January 2016

    Chenise Smith - Jack Petchey Winner January 2016

Article Date: 03 February 2016

Article Date: 03 February 2016
Chenise Smith was nominated for the Jack Petchey award by her family for her determination to achieve in everything she tries and her willingness to support younger students and others around the school.

Chenise did extremely well in her recent exams; her determination to study hard and seek out help when needed was rewarded with a good set of grades, which have prepared her well for her final GCSE exams in the summer.

Chenise gave up time in her school holidays to help with the Year 6 Summer School transition programme, supporting staff as they provided activities to prepare students for the step up to secondary school. She also put together a mentoring scheme for the new students who needed extra support. Chenise can often be found around the school helping staff and supporting those in need. She is a fantastic role model for other students, particularly as a prefect.

Chenise was also nominated separately by her peers for the way she gave up so much of her free time to support her brother when he needed help, collecting work for him and supporting him at home. 

We are impressed with Chenise’s attitude to try her best and seek out the support she needs, as well as her willingness to help those in need; well done Chenise!

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