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  • Chloe Elms - Jack Petchey Winner February 2016

    Chloe Elms - Jack Petchey Winner February 2016

Article Date: 03 February 2016

Article Date: 03 February 2016
Chloe was nominated for the Jack Petchey award by her family for her commitment to extra-curricular activities both in and out of school.

Chloe is a keen volunteer and has given up her time to marshal at various events, most recently the Js Hospice bike ride and the Chelmsford marathon where she handed out medals, collected money for charity and gave out goodie bags and water. The organisers were impressed with Chloe’s enthusiasm and willingness to help in any area they asked and are keen to have her help again at future events.

Chloe is also passionate about music and has shown real commitment to the subject outside of school. She has recently made two records which she wrote and produced and played on Radio 1 Xtra and she was selected from the bright stars competition as a stand out competitor and was invited to a recording studio in London by one of the judges to be advised on how to progress with her music.

In school, Chloe is very committed to her responsibilities as a senior prefect, not missing her duties and being an excellent role model to others in the school. She has given up her free time to help at parents’/carers’ consultation evenings and done a fantastic job with the year book committee to persuade members of staff and students to make contributions and help put it together. She is a student leader and as a prefect, now co-ordinates the ideas of younger students at the meetings. 

We are all impressed with Chloe’s journey through school and proud of the thoughtful and public-minded individual she has become. She really has shown what determination and not giving up can achieve and look forward to hearing all about her future achievements.

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