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Headteacher's Bulletin - 7 March 2025
Headteacher's Bulletin - 7 March 2025


This week has seen National Careers Week. In lessons, teachers have been highlighting the skills and job opportunities that link to their subjects and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has led assemblies with Year 7 and Year 8. The National Careers Website is a great resource for parents to look at with their children: On Wednesday 12th March, Year 9 will have an assembly and workshops with Essex Fire and Rescue.

Yesterday we recognised World Book Day, and I was delighted to see the display outside of the library with the array of books our students are reading. Thank you to Mrs Forster for leading the way with the best costume!


Over the weekend some of our A level Politics students participated in a Model United Nations Conference (MUN) event at Felsted School. Through MUN conferences students represent UN nations and are allocated to committees, mirroring real-world UN organisations - including the Security Council, Historic Security Council, UNICEF and UNOOSA. Our students represented Japan. Thank you to Mrs Townsend and to Mr Buttle for organising and supporting this opportunity.

Year 8 and Year 11 parent/carers have been in school this week attending either an Information Evening with Mr Wilcox or careers advice sessions with senior staff as part of the admissions process into our Sixth Form. Thank you for your time and support.

Online Safety Newsletter 

This month's Online Safety Newsletter provides further information on AI - potential risks and how you can protect your children.

Please find the link in the downloads section below.


Have a very good weekend.

Mr M Barrow, Headteacher

Congratulations to Year 10 for an excellent week!


Year 7


Year 8


Year 9


Year 10


Year 11
