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3 March 2025
Dear Parent/Carers
Year 11 Study Leave
As we approach the Year 11 GCSE Examinations, I write to inform you of the arrangements we will be putting in place to support your son/daughter during this critical time.
All Year 11 students will be expected to be in school full time, and in all lessons, up to Monday 16th June which is when the final CORE examination takes place. Throughout this period all lessons will continue, and we will re-timetable so that the order of lessons in school matches the examination timetable. At our discretion, some students will be able to have study leave granted on Wednesday 11th June (if this is in their best academic interests). Study leave will then begin for all students on Tuesday 17th June,
From the 17th June, we will run revision lessons for the remaining examinations. We will of course write to you again with the detail which Mr Burge will also highlight in assemblies.
We have deliberately taken the decision to keep our Year 11 students in school full-time for longer this year and up to the last core GCSE examination. This is because we know that a routine of getting up to attend school each morning, with access to subject specialist teachers, as well as having some social interaction with their peers supports their learning and improves final grades. Secondly, this decision is also a response to the disruption that some students experienced in subjects such as Science lower down in the school where that was not continuity of teaching.
As with all areas of life, there are exceptional circumstances. Should you feel there are instances where exceptional circumstances apply to your child and you would like me to review with Mr Burge whether a session of study leave could be individually authorised prior to June 12th, there will be an opportunity to do this once the examination season has begun in May.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
With best wishes
Mr M Barrow
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