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Revision strategies for Year 11
Revision strategies for Year 11


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6 January 2025

Dear Parent/Carer and Students

Following the Year 11 mocks, there are a number of topics across the three sciences that need to be revised more thoroughly. To address these, students will be set a revision PowerPoint on Satchel One approximately every two weeks that they should revise and be able to recall the facts and knowledge from (the first one is attached). At the start of each of their Science lessons, the ‘Do Now’ task will be a slide of questions related to the revision they should be doing at home. The marks from these will be recorded by your child’s teacher. The independent revision part of this exercise is incredibly important, as we have identified these areas as needing development; parents and carers can support by testing the students using the information on the PowerPoint. Any revision materials made for these will be incredibly useful to use for the actual examinations in the summer.

In addition to this structured revision, all students can be working on developing their science knowledge independently using the following resources:

1. Notley High School SharePoint – Science – KS4. Here there are 5 folders that are useful to the students.

  1. Biology/Chemistry/Physics. In each of these folders is information on the Required Practical’s, including guides and videos (students can get asked questions on these practical’s so must be able to understand how to set them up and take measurements) and also a Topics folder.
    The topics folders are separated into Paper 1 and Paper 2 topics. Each subfolder has a knowledge PowerPoint for that topic, with embedded questions and answers, as well as more challenging ‘Grasp It’ questions and answers and knowledge mats for an overall summary. Chemistry and Physics also have information on the formulas/equations needed (all students will get the Physics Equation Sheet in the actual exam but it is important to recognise which one to use in different situations).
  2. A checklist folder which has all the checklists for both Combined and Separate Sciences.
  3. A Required Practical folder which has some good links to required practical’s resources from Paper 1.

2. Students can use Seneca learning for accessible online revision – teachers may choose to set homework/revision using Seneca but the resources are available at any time.

3. Past papers and mark schemes which can be found using the links below:

Combined Science: AQA | Resources | Past Papers & AQA Mark Schemes
Biology: AQA | Resources | Past Papers & AQA Mark Schemes
Chemistry: AQA | Resources | Past Papers & AQA Mark Schemes
Physics: AQA | Resources | Past Papers & AQA Mark Schemes

We hope that the above gives the students some additional support as they prepare themselves for the summer examinations in Science. For the students to achieve their potential, it is important that the thorough preparation and revision starts now and we appreciate all the support parents and carers can give outside of the school day.

Yours sincerely
Mrs S Howells

(There then follows a series of slides which are only available in the original document)

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We have tried to include as much of the essential information as possible, but inevitably some may only be available in the original document.