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  • Lauren Fisher - Jack Petchey Award Winner March 2015

    Lauren Fisher - Jack Petchey Award Winner March 2015

Article Date: 27 March 2015

Article Date: 27 March 2015
Lauren has been nominated by her family for her unwavering support of her friend as she contended with cancer.Lauren has been an amazing friend and support to Olivia and her family while she went through chemotherapy, sitting with her and keeping her company while she contended with all the side effects, being a 24/7 friend in her time of need. Lauren has chosen to turn this very tough experience for Olivia into a positive one, running the race for life in June 2014 and raising £1500 for Cancer Research UK. She has also been part of a team of girls in year 11 who have organised a quiz night in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust, managing to raise and astounding £3160!

On Olivia’s return to school, Lauren and her friends have been there to help get her to her lessons and push her around the corridors during break times. Lauren’s family are incredibly proud of how she has given up her time in support of her friend and as a consequence, raising money for cancer charities to help others in a similar position and really would like her to be recognised for her selfless attitude.

We are very impressed with how Lauren has been a valued and continuous support and still maintained her positive attitude. Well done, Lauren!

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