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  • Rebecca Nutt - Jack Petchey Award Winner Feb 2015

    Rebecca Nutt - Jack Petchey Award Winner Feb 2015

Article Date: 27 March 2015

Article Date: 27 March 2015
Rebecca was nominated for the Jack Petchey award by her family for outstanding effort in helping others.Rebecca has helped to actively raise money for several charities, including Essex air ambulance, Macmillan cancer support and Great Ormond Street hospital. She is a busy member of the Scouts and since going up to full Scout level has given up her time to help the Beavers and Cubs groups, supporting the leaders of those sections in the usual evening programme with tasks like making mid-session drinks and helping with Arts and Crafts activities. In September, she volunteered to look after the younger children of new Scout leaders so the adults could participate in training activities. She kept the children entertained on both days with games and simple scouting activities.

She took part in the 2012 Scout Jamboree and, due to her commitment, maturity and creativity, has been selected to represent her group in the Youth consultation committee as they prepare for the 2016 Jamboree. In addition, Rebecca’s idea for the theme of the 2016 Jamboree ‘Our changing world’ has been chosen from hundreds! She has begun training as a young leader and has been asked to work with the 4th Braintree Beaver Scouts (aged 6-8 years) as part of it.

Rebecca shows empathy and compassion above her years, and is an inspiration to many she works with. Her family are incredibly proud of all she has achieved and how hard she works to help others and that she hasn’t let it interfere with her school work. We are all impressed with the effort she has put in and wish her all the best as she progresses with Scout leadership. Well done, Rebecca!

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