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  • Year 9 Behaviour for Learning Evening

    Year 9 Behaviour for Learning Evening

Article Date: 10 June 2013

Article Date: 10 June 2013

On Thursday 22nd May about 50 parents from Year 9 attended a workshop to launch the Behaviour for Learning project intended to run in Year 9, 10 and 11.

Initially the project is aimed at about 90 students in Year 9, with a view that staff will initially support these students, and continue to identify other students in the year group as the GCSE's continue in Year 10 and Year 11. The tutor team have identified three groups to begin with, and will continue to monitor students throughout their studies, tutorials and parental feedback.

Please click here for the slides from the workshop. Parents feedback included questions about support with revision, support with homework and creating a good environment for students to revise, study and work in. If you have any questions or would like to offer some feedback please contact Mr C Newman, Year leader.

Mr Chris Newman 
Year Leader 
Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form

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