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  • E-Safety Workshop for Parents/Carers

    E-Safety Workshop for Parents/Carers

Article Date: 26 January 2015

Article Date: 26 January 2015
At Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form, we are aware that increasing numbers of students have access to the internet.  Many of our students have tablets, mobile phones or other devices that link to the World Wide Web and potentially millions of strangers.In conjunction with the school’s Safer Internet Day, we are hosting a workshop being run by two Essex Police Detective Sergeants on the topic of E-Safety and Stranger Danger. During the evening, John Woodley and John Straines, from the Essex Police Online Investigation Team will discuss the ‘dangers of strangers online’ and how we can ensure our children are all using technology as safely as possible.
The workshop will take place in Braintree Arts Theatre on Tuesday 3 February 2015 from 7pm until 9pm with refreshments available from 6.30pm. If you would like to attend the workshop, please book your place using the Parents and Carers Event Booking System.
Please note this is an adult only event and is not suitable for children.

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