Thank you to Year 8 parents and carers for attending last night’s Progress Evening. It was very good to see and hear the positive conversations that were taking place across subjects.
This week we have seen works begin on our brand new 3G Pitch and Year 12 students have sat their first set of examinations. A selection of Year 9 students have attended their first Brilliant Club session with a PhD graduate and some of our Year 11 students have worked with Mr Beasley, an external coach and mentor, to support their revision outside of school. PDT (Personal Development lessons) have focused on ‘banter’, ‘giving consent’ whilst Year 11 looked at arguments for and against rehabilitation and the tragic Jamie Bulger case. Our thought for the week has focused on Democracy, whilst assemblies – led by Mrs Fouche – have looked at religious tolerance. This is one of the slides used in Tutor time this week:
Brilliant Club
An update from Ms Gladen
I am excited to share that some of our gifted and talented students, in year 9, have just begun their journey with The Brilliant Club, an enrichment programme that offers students the opportunity to engage in university-style learning. As part of this programme, our students are working with a PhD graduate, whose PhD thesis centred around autism in adults. Our students are working with the PhD students to learn about autism and will be exploring its various aspects from both scientific and societal perspectives. Through the Brilliant Club, students are developing their critical thinking, research, and presentation skills. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to expand their knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of neurodiversity, while also preparing them for future higher education opportunities. We are proud of their dedication and enthusiasm as they take part in this enriching experience.
Students will have the opportunity to visit universities as part of this programme.
Ms M Gladen, Assistant Headteacher
Thank you to parent/carers for their support where skirt bans have been issued and trousers provided. From next week, as we move to same day detentions for uniform transgressions. This means that:
- Where a student is found to be wearing incorrect uniform before 10.30, a message will be sent via Arbor, informing parent/carers that they have a detention after school on the same day for 20 minutes.
- After 10.30, a message will be sent via Arbor informing parent/carers that they have a detention after the school the following day.
Details of our uniform policy are available on our website: Uniform Policy - Notley High School & Sixth Form. This image also reinforces the standard that we are expecting all students to meet, including the type of trouser that is permissible.
The School is able to offer some financial support with the cost of uniform and please contact your RSL for further information/support with this: Raising Standards Leaders - Notley High School & Sixth Form
Finally, thank you to those parents who have confirmed their willingness to be part of the Parent/Carer Council. Details about the Parent/Carer Council can be found here: Parent_and_Carer_Council_Letter_January_2025.pdf and I should be grateful any further expressions of interest by Friday 24th January.
Have a very good weekend when it comes.
Mr M Barrow, Headteacher

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11