Happy New Year to all families. It has been very good to welcome everyone back to school this week.
This week, Year 10 have sat their first set of mock examinations and have also had their launch assembly for their full week of Work Experience that will run later this academic year. This is the first time that we have run work experience for several years and I’m grateful to Miss Robb, our PDT and Careers Lead, for organising this. I remember having this opportunity when I was in Year 10 and hope that our students will find it equally as informative as I did. I know through talking with students in Year 10 that many already have ideas/plans – which is great.
In addition, Mrs Howells has led assemblies this week, looking at the year ahead; and Mrs Roberts, our new Assistant Headteacher, joined us on Monday and has had a very strong start. This is Miss Roberts’ welcome message to you:
Dear Parents and Carers
I am delighted to have joined Notley High School and am pleased to invite you to a Coffee Morning on Thursday 23 January, from 9.00am to 10:00 am, where we have the opportunity to meet over coffee.
I have been given the crucial role of narrowing the achievement gap within our school and oversee strategies that relate to Pupil Premium. During this coffee morning, I will outline strategies to support all students in reaching their full potential. This is a wonderful opportunity to ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have.
Your input is invaluable as we strive to provide the best support for our students.
I look forward to meeting you then.
Miss Roberts
Whilst on introductions, I am also pleased to introduce our Student Mentor Ben Andreos. Ben will be known to many of your children as someone they can talk to with any concerns or worries that they might have. Ben is mentoring a number of students and will be known to many as someone who they see in the corridor at lesson changeover as well as in lessons.
There are many students who wear their uniform correctly all the time and I am very pleased to see this. Sadly, there are too many students who correct their uniform when they see me and / or have correct uniform at the start of the day and then change it as the day progresses.
Therefore, and as I write, parents across Years 7-10 are being telephoned to inform them of a final uniform warning for their child. If from Tuesday any student who has had their final warning is wearing a skirt that is too short, a skirt ban will be issued and the student will be provided with a pair of trousers to wear. From Monday 20 January, we will move to daily after school detentions for uniform transgressions. This will be outlined to students next week.
Finally a reminder of:
- Parent Council details: Parent_and_Carer_Council_Letter_January_2025.pdf
- Year 8 Parents’/Carer’s Evening: Year_8_Parents.Carers_Consultation_Evening_Letter_Dec_2024.pdf
- Year 11 revision strategies for GCSE Science: Revision_strategies_for_Year_11_Jan_25.pdf
Have a very good weekend.
Mr M Barrow, Headteacher

HEART points (since Monday) and with Year 10 being in exams!
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11