This week we have continued to see our Year 13 students receive their UCAS (university) offers for September 2025. I am delighted to say that our students have received offers from the University of Durham, Sheffield, Nottingham, Royal Holloway as well as Kings College London. Degree courses vary from Chemical Engineering to Aeronautical Engineering as well as Nursing, Business Management, Law and Primary Education Studies. Applying to university is a competitive process and so the quality of offer coming through is testament to our students’ hard work and the support and guidance from our Sixth Team.
Sporting fixtures have also continued this week and I was delighted to hear of our Futsall team’s successes from Mr Morbin – very well done to all! Our Year 7 Netball team also won this week’s District match at Alec Hunter and at Mayflower School.
Duke of Edinburgh
An update from Ms Gladen
On Monday 27 January students will be invited to sign up for our Duke Of Edinburgh club. After-school Duke of Edinburgh Club commences on 24 February 2025 with Mrs Francis, with the first training expedition to take place over Easter (dates and venue to be confirmed) and the final expedition during May half term (dates and venue to be confirmed).
If parent/carers have any questions or would like further information, please do feel free to email me on: [email protected].
Ms M Gladen, Assistant Headteacher
Year 9 Options Process
An update from Mr Burrows
This term sees the launch of our Year 9 options process. We will write to Year 9 parent/carers separately, but key dates – already published – for your diary are:
- 27 February 2025: Year 9 Parents’ Evening.
- 13 March 2025: Year 9 Options Evening (parents and students invited). This is when we present the detail of the courses and pathways available to Year 9 students. You will see that we offer a large amount of choice with different qualifications on offer.
Alongside these evenings, there is a detailed in-school programme for our students which will provide them with further information on courses and pathways so that this is an exciting and not a daunting process.
Mr L Burrows, Assistant Headteacher
Parent Drop-ins
An update from Mrs Ketley
In addition to the weekly drop-ins with Mr Barrow, Mrs Robb and I will be running a parent drop-in on Friday 7th March (9-10am) to answer any questions or queries you may have about Personal Development Curriculum and PDT lessons. There is no need to book; please just turn up and we will be very pleased to speak with you. Our PDT & Careers Newsletters are also available here: PDT & Careers Newsletter - Notley High School & Sixth Form
Mrs R Ketley, Assistant Headteacher
Thank you to the overwhelming majority of parents and carers for their support with our continued drive to raise standards and improve uniform. There has a been a noticeable improvement this week.
A reminder that:
- Where a student is found to be wearing incorrect uniform before 10.30, a message will be sent via Arbor, informing parent/carers that they have a detention after school on the same day for 20 minutes.
- After 10.30, a message will be sent via Arbor informing parent/carers that they have a detention after the school the following day.
Details of our uniform policy are available on our website: Uniform Policy - Notley High School & Sixth Form. This image also reinforces the standard that we are expecting all students to meet, including the type of trouser that is permissible.
Finally, thank you to those parents who have kindly volunteered to join the Parent Council. I will write to you next week with further information.
Have a good weekend.
Mr M Barrow, Headteacher

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11