Article Date: 18 August 2011
Article Date: 18 August 2011
Braintree Sixth Form’s First International Baccalaureate and A Level Results
Students and staff at Braintree Sixth Form are celebrating their first A Level and IB results, with students gaining excellent grades and achieving places at top universities. An A*-E pass rate of 98% was achieved by the students, making this a very successful first year. The A Level results follow the already published International Baccalaureate results, where students achieved a 90% pass rate, significantly exceeding the worldwide average of 78%.
Many students have gained places at top universities. IB student James Pickering has secured a place at Jesus College, Oxford to read Chemistry. James gained 40 out of a possible 45 points in his IB Diploma, putting him in the top 2% of students internationally. A Level student Toby Dyke achieved 2 A*s and an A grade, securing him a place at the University of York to read History. Kieran Jones and Rhyannon Brignell both achieved 2 A grades and 2 B grades, securing them places at the University of Warwick and the University of East Anglia, respectively.
Co-Directors of Sixth Form, Sarah Steadman and Kate Stubbs are delighted with the results. Sarah Steadman commented, ‘It is pleasing to see so many students meeting their university offers in this very competitive year – it is testament to the hard work of both students and staff and the support from parents that the Sixth Form has proved to be so successful so quickly.’ Kate Stubbs added, ‘We are also celebrating excellent achievements at AS and look forward to enrolling a new set of students into Braintree Sixth Form on August 25th.’
If you would like to find out more about A levels or the IB Diploma at Braintree Sixth Form, please contact[email protected]