Article Date: 26 August 2011
Article Date: 26 August 2011
Stunning first results for Braintree Sixth Form
Students and staff at Notley High School and Braintree Sixth Form are completing a week of celebration and congratulation following a bumper crop of IB, A Level and GCSE results. Last week’s A Level results, with an A*-B pass rate of 46% and 98% at A*-E, added to the IB Diploma results received in July which showed a pass rate of 90% against a worldwide average of 78%. Following the Year 13 celebrations last week, Year 11 students received the results of their GCSE and other qualifications this morning.
77% of the Year 11 students achieved 5 or more A*-C grades, with 66% achieving this measure including English and mathematics, a rise of 11% compared to last year. 99% of students achieved 5 or more A*-G grades and there were many outstanding individual achievements.
Headteacher, Simon Thompson, commented, “This has, quite simply, been one of the best weeks I have experienced in my eight years as headteacher here. Last Thursday, we delighted in seeing our work with our partner schools, Alec Hunter, Honywood and Tabor, come to fruition with a stunning first set of Braintree Sixth Form results and today, to cap it all, we are celebrating record Year 11 results, with two thirds of our students achieving the government’s key measure of 5 or more A*-C including English and mathematics. After much negative publicity about young people following national events this summer, students across the Braintree area are showing that they have great talent, determination and ambition to succeed. I congratulate every one of them on their success and extend my sincere thanks to governors, staff and parents at Notley, and in our partner schools, who have contributed to this outstanding success for Notley High School and Braintree Sixth Form.”
For further information on IB, A Level, GCSE and other results this year, please contact [email protected] 01376 556304.