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Academy Status Update
Academy Status Update


Article Date: 26 July 2011

Article Date: 26 July 2011

For parents, students and friends of Notley High School and Braintree Sixth Form

Earlier this year we consulted with parents/carers and other stakeholders about the school's plans to explore academy status. We are grateful to parents/carers and others who contributed to the consultation and those who attended the consultation meeting we arranged.


During July, the Governing Body met and considered the recommendations of the Academy Steering Group, a working group of governors which was formed to explore the pros and cons of academy status. At this July meeting the Governing Body resolved to convert to academy status with effect from 1 August 2011. Although there are some potential concerns associated with academy conversion, governors were convinced that the associated benefits (not least the improved financial position as an academy) vastly outweighed any potential risks.

In our original consultation we indicated that conversion would be with effect from 1 September 2011. We have brought the date forward to 1 August 2011 as schools which convert before 1 September 2011 will receive improved funding from the Department for Education for the forthcoming academic year, compared with those who convert on or after 1 September 2011.

We would like to assure all parents and friends that, as an academy, we will remain committed to our core principles as a comprehensive and inclusive school and that we will continue to strive for excellence in the education we provide at Notley High School and Braintree Sixth Form. We are proud of what we have achieved so far and we do not anticipate that parents and students will see major changes to how the school runs as an academy rather than a community school. We do, however, believe that our status as an academy will position us best to capitalise on the current government’s educational policies for the benefit of our parents, students and staff in the future.

David Gask                            Simon Thompson
Chair of Governors                  Headteacher

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