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  • Parkrun 2015

    Parkrun 2015

Article Date: 16 October 2015

Article Date: 16 October 2015
At 9am on Saturday 24 October 2015, Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form will be taking over the Great Notley parkrun, so put on your running shoes and come join us!

Parkrun is a worldwide event set up to encourage anyone to run 5 kilometres every Saturday morning. Our local parkrun is held at the Discovery Centre in Great Notley and is full of eager participants - some determined, some just there to have fun. A free event, the run is only able to take place due to the help and commitment of willing members of the community which just goes to show that the only faces you will see on a Saturday at parkrun are friendly ones.

Though your time and position are both recorded, the whole essence of parkrun is to get whatever you want out of the run. Whether that is to aim for a new personal best every week or simply to stay fit and healthy; there is a huge variety of runners all using the event for different reasons.

The current record for the number of runners at the Great Notley parkrun is 230, set at their inaugural event, and the closest they have ever got to beating that number was 216 runners. Let us set a new record together at our Notley High takeover event!

How to get involved:

  • Go to
  • Click on “register”
  • Fill in your details
  • Find a link to your barcode
  • Print off your barcode
  • Bring it with you on Saturday 24 October at 8:45am ready to start at 9:00am 

See you there!

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