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  • Joshua Nicoll - Jack Petchey Award Winner Oct 2014

    Joshua Nicoll - Jack Petchey Award Winner Oct 2014

Article Date: 15 October 2014

Article Date: 15 October 2014
Joshua Nicoll, 10N, was nominated for the Jack Petchey award by a family member for the time and effort he has put into starting up and running his own business.The Jack Petchey Foundation
Joshua has used his spare time to set up his own business providing music entertainment for parties and the money he has earned has been used to develop his business and buy better equipment. He has provided an affordable service for his customers who have been very happy with the work he has done for them. We were all very impressed by this nomination as the effort and self-discipline required to undertake this would be a very daunting task for many year ten students, especially as Joshua has not let it interfere with his school work and he continues to try hard with his academic work.

Well done Joshua and we wish you all the best with your business in the future.

Joshua would like his award to go to the music department for new drums.

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