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Introducing our New Senior Student Team
Introducing our New Senior Student Team


Article Date: 20 June 2012

Article Date: 20 June 2012

We are delighted to announce that we now have a new Head Boy, Head Girl and deputies.

Head boy is Omar Ally and the Head girl is Kirsty Ayre.

Deputy Head Boys are Thomas Segura and Oliver Kiersnowski

Deputy Head Girls are Louise Lazell and Daisy Longden

The students had to get through a rigorous interview process which involved an application letter, speaking in front of the year group and being interviewed by Mrs Park and senior members of staff.  Now the team will have many important duties to help the school run smoothly including organising prefects, speaking at functions, guiding student voice and helping younger students in the school.

Congratulations to the senior team and well done to all the applicants, who were of a very high standard this year.

Rosie Bonny
Assistant Year Leader – Year 11

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