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Geography NEA Fieldwork – Southwold 2019

Geography NEA Fieldwork – Southwold 2019

Article Date: 08 November 2019

Article Date: 08 November 2019

A Level Geography students spent 2 days in Southwold completing human and physical fieldwork in preparation for their upcoming fieldwork investigation. 

Students returned to the sixth form with a clear area of interest that they each wanted to investigate further ranging from the ‘impact of Adnams on the local area’ to ‘the effectiveness of the coastal management’.  They have now worked on these questions to turn them into their A Level projects.

As part of their introduction, students are expected to complete a literature review related to the topic they have chosen to investigate.  We took a trip to the University of East Anglia to use the vast amount of resources that they have in their library.

On 14 and 15 October 2019, armed with their data collection booklets that the students had completed, we went back to Southwold to collect all of the data they would need.

The weather was against us on 14 October, with strong winds, large waves covering much of the defended section of the coastline and pouring rain; it made data collection quite a challenge.  Despite this, students worked to collect as much data that was safe and possible to do.

We were all relieved that conditions had improved significantly on 15 October, meaning a full and busy day of data collection could take place.  Students pulled together and supported each other to ensure all of the information was collected for all of their individual projects.  A particular highlight was when students were able to fly the drone allowing them to take excellent aerial photos of their study sites to further enhance their projects and the range of data collection methods undertaken.

The students and I would like to thank Mrs Bennett for helping to organise these trips, giving students the opportunity to collect all of the data that they needed, which I have no doubt that with a bit of hard work they will now turn into excellent NEA write ups contributing towards 20% of their overall A Level grades.

Click here to see a gallery of photos from the trip.

Miss K Wilcox
Head of Subject - Geography

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