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Class of 2012 – Prom
Class of 2012 – Prom


Article Date: 06 July 2012

Article Date: 06 July 2012

Update: Monday 9th July - Individual Studio Shots and Group Shots now online! - see

Last night’s Prom was a fabulous event.  As usual a huge crowd gathered from as early as 5pm to watch the arrivals, and they were not disappointed.  All of the students looked fantastic and we had a range of arrivals from shopping trollies to limousines to a marching band.    As well as a lovely dinner, the students received awards, gifts were given to tutors and everyone had a dance. 

The evening was a great success and it was lovely to see the year 11s dressed to impress enjoying themselves with staff that have supported them throughout their years at Notley.

We now look forward to the students receiving their GCSE results in August.

Many thanks to Mr Rowe and his team for organising the photographs and video footage, to Mrs Thurman and her team for the catering, and to Meridian Roadshows who organised everything else!

Mr Williams and Miss Bonny

PS Note from Mr Rowe - I know you all want to see the photos but it's going to take a few days to get them all sorted (the initial batch was 3000+ shots!). I'll do the studio ones first and get them online for you asap. Keep an eye on the prom site

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