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Language Master Class at Braintree Sixth Form
Language Master Class at Braintree Sixth Form


Article Date: 10 July 2012

Article Date: 10 July 2012

On  Monday 9th July, the most talented linguists in Year 10 from Notley High School, Tabor Science College  and Alec Hunter Humanities College took part in the 2012 Language Master Class at the Braintree Sixth Form.

The day started with a light hearted ice-breaker introducing Chinese culture and the Mandarin language. Students were able to compare linguistics patterns and experience the challenge of a very different type of new language.

The rest of the day students were involved in a creative project in either French or Spanish. Sessions were delivered by teachers from the partnership schools as well as staff teaching on the A-level and International Baccalaureate programmes.

Students feedback was largely positive – they really enjoyed the day and their presentations were outstanding. Their stories revolved around aliens invading France or Spain and were very creative as well as funny.

Well done everyone!

Mrs Harris.

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