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Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet


Article Date: 06 July 2012

Article Date: 06 July 2012

On Tuesday 26th June members from the Year 7 & 8 drama club performed an abridged version of Romeo and Juliet. 

The cast was made up of seven Year 7 students and two Year 8 students, with most of the cast playing more than one role. Evie Stoneman from 7B was captivating in her portrayal of the love struck Juliet, demonstrating incredible talent with such maturity. Henry Fitch-Bartlett from 8T revelled in the opportunity of playing the love sick Romeo, showing complete dedication to the production and a natural flair in performance. Mrs Hayward and I were extremely proud of all cast members and would like to say a special thank you to Verity Fisher from 9B, who co-directed the performance, as well as thanks to our technical team- Josh Nicoll and Josh Woolgrove. Congratulations to Evie Stoneman, Henry Fitch-Bartlett, Carlann Meechan, Kaitlyn Short, Nathan Caton, Jacob Hughes, Megan Amos, Abby-Gaile West and Louisa Coppin!

Some photos from the production are available at

Miss White

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