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Headteacher's Bulletin - 27 September 2024
Headteacher's Bulletin - 27 September 2024

As I write, Year 8 are making their way to France for their day trip. This follows yesterday's International Bake-off event in the library at break time. Mrs Coxon, our Head of Languages, announced the winners and thanked everyone for taking part. The cakes were spectacular!

Extra-curricular continues to gain momentum and there have been several football matches including Year 9 representing the School in the Under 14 Essex Cup. Mr Harrington has told me how well the students played and how respectful they were to other teams both on and off the pitch. A huge thank you to Mr Harrington and to Alfie (Tottenham) for all the time they have given to fixtures.

Other extra-curricular activities this week have included:

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Every morning in either tutor time or assembly, students are reminded of key pastoral staff they can talk to, in addition to their tutor, if/when they have any worries or concerns. These are the slides that your children see:

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I have spent time this week meeting with Year 11 students with targets of Grade 7s and above. We focused on revision techniques and Post 16 applications and the students spoke with confidence and clarity. I have also awarded five Headteacher postcards for exceptional work in class – well done to all! Mr Cunningham has also been meeting with groups of Year 10 and Year 11 students to identify any barriers to learning and to reward improvements in attendance.

The drive on standards across the school has continued and there are signs that minimum expectations are embedding. As I reported last week, there continue to be detentions and suspensions where expectations are not being met, although fewer than last week. This morning’s uniform check is with Year 9.

Finally, a reminder of the weekly parent drop-in on a Friday at 9am. No need to book in advance.

Have a very good weekend.

Mr M Barrow, Headteacher

HEART points continue to be awarded and this week’s totals are:

The ‘T’ in HEART stands for teamwork and I’m grateful to the Sixth Form prefects for organising this week’s litter pick.


Year 7


Year 8


Year 9


Year 10


Year 11
