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Headteacher's Bulletin - 20 September 2024
Headteacher's Bulletin - 20 September 2024

This week’s assemblies have focused on HEART and community with links to the Summer Olympics and Paralympics. In tutor time students have been looking at bias on social media platforms with references to the summer riots. When I have dropped in on tutor time, students have been thoughtful in their responses and arguments, and I was particularly impressed by Miss Gladen’s Year 10 English class yesterday who were reflecting on mob mentality. In Drama Year 9 students have been exploring the issues surrounding the Windrush generation and I saw a very engaging lesson with Mrs Whitnell’s Year 9 class – well done to all.

Next week sees our Year 11 students attend their first Careers Fair at Chelmsford Racecourse and Year 7 students have their first ‘Road Safety’ assemblies. A number of Year 8 students have their day trip to France and Year 11 and 13 students have their first round of mini assessments so that we can review the progress they are making.

Our focus on uniform continues and there is an improvement in some aspects. Years 7, 8 and 10 have responded very positively to the reminders regarding uniform and next week I am looking for the same response from Year 9, particularly around skirt length.

Student engagement in lessons is also improving and this links to the number of HEART points that have been awarded. I have had to issue fixed term suspensions and a permanent exclusion this week where students, even with extensive support, have not met the expectations. I regret that this has been the case but remain committed to Notley High School being the very best learning environment that it can possibly be.

Finally, a huge ‘thank you’ to colleagues for the extra-curricular clubs that have now started and to the very many students who have already signed up.

Mr M Barrow, Headteacher

A further 5669 HEART points have been issued in the last week.

I am delighted to see the increase in HEART points for Year 9 students – and congratulations to Year 7 students on leading the way this week!


Year 7


Year 8


Year 9


Year 10


Year 11
