Thank you to the very many parents and carers who have supported our continued focus on uniform. We can see that V-neck jumpers have been purchased, and in some cases new skirts, so that skirts can be worn at the correct length. Your support is appreciated. Our drive on uniform continues today and further guidance can be found here: Uniform Policy - Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form. Please note the expectations around jewellery as we will be turning our attention to this over the coming days and weeks.
I have dropped in on over 40 lessons this week and have been impressed by the focus and progress being made by many of our students across Years 7 to 13. A particular ‘well done’ to the Year 11 Media class and the Year 11 Food Technology class who are demonstrating high levels of engagement and ambition. Year 12 and 13 Politics lessons also stand out as does the work of Year 10 and Year 11 in PER. Student engagement in Science is much improved upon last year and I can really see the impact of our new curriculum. Well done to all.
On Wednesday we returned to our full menu in both canteens. Behaviour in the main canteen is much improved on last year and students have told me that they prefer the new arrangements. A reminder that any student in receipt of Free School Meals can spend their allowance across break and lunchtime. If there are ever any problems with this, please ask your son(s)/daughter(s) to speak with me.
Extra-curricular clubs have had a good start and Mr Morbin reports high attendance at Thursday’s football practice. During the day on Wednesday we welcomed Adam Carr from Essex and Herts Air Ambulance into school. Adam is the Clinical Community Lead and is pioneering the new CPR Community Programme. Adam has trained some of Year 13 students as CPR champions who, over time, will be able to provide Year 7-11 students with the basic knowledge and skills to be able to step in and perform CPR. This is in addition to the training that all students receive through our PDT Programme.
Finally, I have included in this bulletin our next Online Safety Newsletter which parent/carers may find of use. The bulletin will also be uploaded to our E-safety guidance page: E-Safety Guidance - Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form.
With all good wishes for the weekend
Mr M Barrow, Headteacher

The roll out of our new behaviour system continues and this includes the introduction of HEART points. In the last 7 days, 5991 HEART points have been awarded. Congratulations to Year 8 who continue to lead the way!
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11